Steve Wreck and Coast break down the Houston @ Buffalo football game 11/1/09. Schaub, Slaton, Owens/Evans, Fitz v Trent, Kubiak and Jauron, it is all broken down.
LMAO...y'all don't have a clue of what's about to happen Sunday. Houston wins by atleast 14 points (and frankly that's being generous) and Schaub has 3 passing TDs.
haha these ppl are retarded. i like the guy with "they don't do a bit of research for themselves", this guy must be a nfl beat reporter or maybe he travels with the team or maybe just a real asshole.
o sorry "y'all" i meant "border". yeah being called dumb by a southern is hurtful. then i feel better when i realize you most likely have 2 teeth, a cousin for a wife, the education of 8 yr old(i give u credit tho you know how to use spell check), and a trailer for a home. nice life plus while we may have lost 4 super bowls your oilers/texans haven't been to any, in fact titans fans prolly ask you how their shit tastes.
isn't that more of a grammatical error than a spelling error? boarder is a word he just used the wrong word.. plus this is the internet spelling doesn't count for anything c'mon.
LOL at the Southern insults. I've been to Buffalo. It makes Dallas look like Eden. Even the Americans will tell you to go see the Canadian Niagra because it's prettier and less tacky. The biggest accomplishment in your dying city's history was tossing a chicken wing in hot sauce. Trust me when I say Texans put a little more thought than that into their dinner.
Upstate NY? Beautiful. Buffalo? A pit, filled with fat, uneducated, miserable people who resent their downstate neighbors for living in a city that people in other countries have heard of.
But hey, hold your head up. In five years when the Bills are in Toronto and you are left with one pro team, you can talk smack to Texans fans. "Nyah, nyah, expansion team!" Yea, is your team going to actually play all their home games at home this year? Or are they still forced to play home games in other countries?
haha dan b. your insults humor me. you must think i'm defending the city of buffalo. actually im aware of how crappy it is i could care less, it's still alot better then that trailer you call a home. put more thought into your meals? hahah yeah you guys really reinvented the wheel with your dinners. don't you just throw shit on a grill? does it bother you that a 6 yr old cousin speaks better english then you? I like how people in ny are uneducated, last time I checked all you had to do was spell your name to get a degree in the good old south. the south is theheartland of american stupidity. and as far as the bills leaving buffalo it may or may not happen don't really care right now they are here. so until they do leave u got shit because your team actually left u and the rest of your pathetic fan base.
Yea and we got another one. You think the NFL is going to be drooling to give an expansion team to Buffalo?
You might want to look into education in the South sometime.. I didn't say people in New York are uneducated. I said people in Buffalo are. The city of Buffalo has a lower percentage of college graduates than Houston. It's a working class town. Houston has the world's largest medical center, for instance. There are more doctors that work in the TMC (a sort of second downtown in Houston that is solely medical based) than there are people in Buffalo. Might want to actually look at the numbers before you pronounce Houstonians stupid. Distancewise we are farther away from "the South" (Mississippi/Alabama) than you are from Toronto, eh?
I like the foreshadowing in one of the previous posts laughing at Houston for knowing how it feels to lose an NFL franchise. Your next jackass. You'll know how it feels very soon. Then what will you do for a life? LOfuckingL
Not to mention Rice University as far as education goes. Plus Houston is actually growing in size, unlike Buffalo. That's really not a comparison you want to make.
And as far as food, Texas actually has other cultures that contribute to their culinary makeup. IE all those immigrants that y'all were bashing upthread (Oh darn -- I used "y'all in an instance where I was speaking to more than one person -- you better blather about that rather than the point of my post). See Mexican cuisine has contributed and helped add to a wide diversity of flavors and styles in Texas, along with cooking techniques like Dutch ovens (chili ain't grilled genius), deep fryers, and yes, grills that were integrated from earlier German, Scot, Swedish, Italian, and French settlers. Think of it like those Italians in the city you are also pathetically jealous of that created Pizza and made it an American cuisine.
Oh joy. An all caps post with repeated exclamation points. There's a coherent logical argument. Probably the same Rhodes Scholar calling Texans stupid earlier.
Here is a list of cities that apparently do not have fan bases even if they sell out every game, since they lost an NFL team at one point.
Cleveland St. Louis Chicago Baltimore Boston Oakland Houston Dallas
See, franchises move. And it's not because their fans suck, it's because the owner can make more money somewhere else. Maybe the city is growing (St. Louis to Phoenix, Oakland to LA). Maybe the owner is a douche and the first city doesn't want him (Houston, Cleveland, Baltimore). Maybe the city is dying and the team cannot survive there (remember the Bears used to be the Decatur Staleys and Canton once had an NFL team). Buffalo is joining Decatur and Canton. Welcome to the history books guys.
Hey, on the bright side you will get to see your city's name on a coach's head whenever the Toronto Bills play in their retro duds.
We still rank #1 in children without health insurance, #1 in air pollution, #1 in teen pregnancy, #1 in population without health insurance, and it just gets worse.
Thanks for George W. Bush as well, ruining the entire nation and perhaps the world
and who needs facts for an argument TMC "In 2006, the center employed over 75,000 people" Erie County has 1.3 million people -steve
Wherever e.c.c is (I suspect it's actually E.C.C. and your keyboard's shift key is broken), they should have taught you that the first person pronoun "I" is always capitalized (just like words such as Canada, Mexico, or English should be). It is also the first letter of the sentence, and those are always capitalized as well. You should demand your money back for your diploma. They are worse than ITT Tech.
steve, I didn't say Texas was perfect. I said it's better than Buffalo. My apologies btw for mistakenly claiming that the TMC has more doctors than Buffalo has people (btw Erie Country encompasses more than just the City of Buffalo. But I'm sure you knew that. You just left it out 'cuz it doesn't help your argument). I was including students and unpaid interns etc. The TMC sees more than half a million people a day.
You also might want to direct a small percentage of your ire at the denizens of your state that are determined to disprove on this very blog allegations that Texans are dumber than Buffaloans.
I love the Bush smack too. Care to guess where he went to high school? Andover. College? Harvard and Yale. Wow, what a Texan. You are also aware that Texas has produced more than one President, including the one that signed the Civil Rights Act? But yeah, Texans are racist rednecks. Unlike the fine multiculturalists on this here blog that think "fuckin mexicans" are dick heads.
is dan b. a college professor? im so thankful for him using big words like transmogrification and telling me ab cooking food. do u ever think of killing urself??? you prolly should
Just so you know, you don't have to be a college professor to know basic English. You just have to have paid attention in 8th grade. It also helps when you are insulting others' ability to write properly to write correctly yourself.
If there is one city in America that really doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to assassinating Presidents, it's Buffalo. You may want to take history along with English.
I'm not seeing many Southern States among those that want to kill themselves. Maybe you should move to a state that doesn't squelch their citizen's will to live by taxing its' citizens out of existence to keep your teen pregnancy rate low. How's that State Income Tax workin' out for ya? Texas has barely felt the recent Depression. Our economy is humming along. How's Buffalo's?
I am no doctor, but it appears to me that according to your suicide data, New York has 6 suicides per 100,000 residents whereas Texas has 10.6. It also appears that the trend is that states in the northeast have fewer suicides than southern states. How exactly does this help your argument? All you proved was our point that southerners are uneducated. They can't even interpret simple data.
Houston Texas is among the world leaders in commerce, finance, transportation, energy, medicine, education, the arts, space exploration and sports. Buffalo is known for hot wings and being incredibly cold.
Houston Texas is, without a doubt, a world class city. Buffalo is just Buffalo...
I get it. I really do. A person should be proud of their home town, and defend it against the disparaging remarks of others. But come on... really.
You live in frozen freaking Buffalo and very soon, it's likely that you won't even have pro football to hang your hats on.
I'd be interested in seeing the suicide statistics for Buffalo after the Bills leave town.
the texas houstons are gonna be texas toast, these guys do work for espn they are professional, and their forecasts and podcasts have made me over $25,000 in sports betting. Dan B aka D.B aka Douch Bag go post on a houstons or titans blog the Bills always have and always will be in Buffalo if not they'll do the Reich thing and comeback just like the in the greatest comeback in nfl history.
Buffalo Bills as a team name, and you have the temerity to laugh at other team's names?
That's a hoot. What's a Bill? Your team is named after a frontier character who has absolutely no connection with your town, or region. Not to mention the fact that there have never been bison in the area either. "Yosemite Sams" would have been equally appropriate...
Their team is named for a Cowboy, yet they make fun of Texans. 'Bout par for the course in Buffalo I guess.
I really do feel for the fans in Buffalo. They are incredibly passionate (if a little illiterate at times), and their team ha a proud tradition of coming thiiiis close. But that isn't enough in today's NFL.
It sucks losing a team. I didn't want a thing to do with the Texans myself when we first got them. I swore off the NFL when they robbed Houston of its' team. I played fantasy but wouldn't follow one team again. Around three years ago I started to follow the team again.
Maybe Buffalo will hand whoever inherits the team from Ralph a sackload of money. Maybe they will hake the tax rate to fund a new field. I don't think that will do it myself. There aren't enough major companies in Buffalo. Not enough club level eats. Not enough eyeballs for TV ratings. But hey, at least you don't ride horses to work and you have all your teeth along with that great e.c.c education. Good luck with that.
Good things 1. Food 2. Arts (if you want to fight the traffic) 3. Medical Center
what city doesn't have those 3...
Bad things 1. CRIME 2. TRAFFIC 3. It seems like everything is built either in or near a flood plain 4. DRIVERS (not paying attention) 5. No zoning' 6. 50/50 chance that a driver actually has car insurance, OR that the vehicle is even registered in their name 7. The heat! It is like an oven 8. Tree roaches
Buffalo. Comparing Houston's food to Buffalo's is like comparing Rome's history to Boise's. About the only similarity is that they both have it.
And yeah, heat and flooding sucks. So does 30 degree below weather and four feet of snow in the morning. I'll crank my A/C and bitch about the weather outside, tyvm. At least I don't have to get up a few hours early to warm up the car and shovel snow so I don't die of hypothermia.
Yeah the people down south just leave their kids in cars to cook to death guys, and cry when they do get flooded. Noone dies from snow. Where is this world famous Houston food bullshit coming from? Suggestion to Houston fans: 1.load chamber 2.pull trigger -craig
Hey Dan B... you never addressed Coast's post pointing out that your statistics (while completely irrelevant) are proving you wrong. You think 6 suicides per 100,000 people is better than 10.6? Interesting.
You said, "I'm not seeing many Southern States among those that want to kill themselves." Which is not supported at all by your statistics.
Also, you went on to say, "Maybe you should move to a state that doesn't squelch their citizen's will to live by taxing its' citizens out of existence to keep your teen pregnancy rate low." Not only is this statement not supported by your stats, you also used two apostrophes incorrectly.
The first misuse was in "citizen's" unless you meant that each state has one citizen? The proper use would have put the apostrophe at the end of the word.
The second misuse was in the word "its'." If you look it up, you will find that "its" does not require an apostrophe since ownership is implied within the word itself.
I mean, grammar has nothing to do with football... but if you are going to make fun of people for grammar and throw out statistics that supposedly prove your points, you should at least make sure you use them all correctly.
In reading the following statement over, I realized there are more mistakes than I thought: "Maybe you should move to a state that doesn't squelch their citizen's will to live by taxing its' citizens out of existence to keep your teen pregnancy rate low."
You are all over the place with your nouns and pronouns.
A state is singular, therefore you should not be saying "their citizens'." It would be "its citizens." Then you continued on to use "your" instead of "the," which is also wrong.
It's hard to believe you were making fun of other people for grammar at any point when this one small paragraph is riddled with grammatical mistakes.
Perhaps you are unaware that punctuation and grammar are separate concepts. Allow me to inform you of this.
And considering the hosts of this blog aren't aware that the Houston Texans existed before 2003 (look it up football guys -- our first win wasn't when we whupped you, it was the first game in the history of the team when we beat Dallas. One day you'll know how that feels. Oh we also won two other games that same season), I'd watch accusing others of not knowing of what they speak. You may want to look up football stats before you act like you know something about it.
But yeah, you'se guys go back to telling others to kill themselves. Ridicule others for using "y'all" when you type such gems as "U GUYZ SUCK AND U SHULD KILL URSELF!!!!!!!!!!" or "u texans all like mexican dicks and buffalo new york is where all the educated americans that kno english live."
Just so you know, in general when you are forced to resort to all caps post suggesting suicide, it means you aren't doing to well on the merits. If e.c.c taught debate, you'd know that calling your opponent a cock doesn't indicate that your point is a winner. Perhaps in Buffalo that's how you argue points. I don't know. I didn't get my degree from e.c.c
You should thank Houston every day for providing the natural gas that keeps your sorry ass from freezing to death.
To your credit, you managed to spell "anonymous" correctly. Probably because you can't spell your own name and it pasted the word for you.
yea matt schaub sucks at qb...o wait who leads the league in tds and passing yds?? o thats right its matt schaub!! just a piss pour attempt at analyzing a football game....
I didn't start the grammar war by the way AJ. The first grammar cop was a Buffalo Bills (pardon me I meant "buffalo bills") fan. A few points (some of them are repeats, but you never addressed them, just like you are chittering about me ignoring points):
The guy whose grammar you are defending has yet to manage a single post where he used proper English.
Buffalo is a relic of the early 19th century, wasting away in front of our eyes.
Canada's Niagra beats the crap out of Buffalo's.
Houston may not be Paris. But compared to Buffalo it's the biggest cultural hotspot and melting pot since Babylon.
Houston has won a professional sports league championship. Two actually. We also have two AFL Championships. Buffalo has zero. Your biggest accomplishment in a championship game was either missing a field goal or Don Beebe catching up to prolong a crushing ass whooping. Or perhaps you prefer hockey -- Dallas beating you like a drum, leading to pathetic whines about the crease. Sounds like you guys are frantically trying to catch up to Texans no matter which sport we are talking about.
Many cities have lost professional football teams. Some of them have gained a team back. Do you think Buffalo will fall in the first group or the latter?
Then there's these gems from your "analysis." You claimed Buffalo held Brady to a season low in yards when Brady had 378 of them. The only game that he had more was when he had 2 more yards in their 60 point rout of Tennessee.
You "think" Kubiak played QB. Ever heard of Google or
But surely the Texans will be flummoxed by the bedlam at the Ralph. A team that has lost one road game all season (barely losing to the defending NFC Champs) is going to be terrified into submission by the shirtless 350 pound guys freezing their tits off in the stands. We went into Green Bay and won last December. They aren't an expansion team anymore. But keep deluding yourself. Schaub sucks. AJ sucks. Daniels sucks. Keep telling yourself that. I won't complain. You should post a you tube of you watching them on Sunday though. The look on your face when AJ pulls another juggling one hander is gonna be priceless.
By the way, Texas has much much hotter women than any Buffalo has ever produced. This really isn't up for debate, whether you think I'm a dick head cock or not. In recent years we've graced you with Eva Longoria, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Beyonce, and Robin Wright Penn. We also gave you Farah Fawcett, Sharon Tate, and many, many others.
We also gave Mr Anonymous obsessed with dicks and cocks his centerfolds growing up: Patrick Swayze, Matthew McConaughey, and Ethan Hawke.
^^ Hey AJ wanna do a spell check on that one? Or do you only critique when people put an apostrophe by the wrong consonant?
By the way, you forgot to call me stupid in your incredibly well reasoned and effective argument. You did however manage to obsess even more over my dick. What is it with you and other men's penises? Do you miss yours or something? Jesus you make a 13 year old Valley Girl's text messages look like Plato.
LMAO at you brown nosing TO. You really love Texas' sloppy seconds don't you?
Don't worry, maybe you will get a UFL team when the Bills leave the country. You could basically be a AAA team and try out players for major league towns like Houston. You could serve as a six month purgatory for talented players on their way to a real city, or a collection of has beens that failed out of the bigs. You know, just like your baseball team does.
I was referring to professional titles in leagues that matter -- you know, MLB (oops you don't have a team) the NBA (oops no team again) or the NFL (hey you have the same number of rings as the Texans despite a 45 year head start. Congratulations!) Hell I'll even give you hockey as a major league, despite it rivaling the WNBA for worst ratings by a pseudo major sport. Add all Buffalo's trophies together and you have one title for every inch in your pants.
Maybe Toronto will win one for the proud tradition of OJ Simpson and Terrell Owens.
Houston doesn't have a pro mlb team and their NBA team only won when Jordan was out of the league wtf are you talking about?? Oh and how about suicide rates? honestly you have zero credibility. That suicide rate think completely killed any credibility you have because you can't read your own stats and AND you couldn't understand the data.
But yes you are immensely more intelligent than other people arguing on a sports blog.
I may not be a sports talk show host, but I am aware that the Houston Astros play in the National League. Were you? I mean, they were in the World Series 5 years ago. Surely you can remember that far back, right? I mean, you wouldn't want to talk about sports and not know the freaking teams would you?
Yeah got the suicide rate wrong. You, the host of a sports blog, do not know which teams play professional sports. Nor can you actually tell whether 380 yards is being held in check or not. Are you really sure you want to talk credibility?
As far as not counting because Jordan wasn't there, they count a lot more than the goose egg your AAA town has produced thus far. The NBA has a Champion for two seasons from Houston. No sport has ever listed "Buffalo" as its champion at the end of the year.
Brady throws for 378 Yards and 2 TD's, but you (sorry I forgot in buffalo it's spelled "u") somehow read the data as "we held him in check." Find some stats before u spout stupidity and we'll see if u can read them. Seeing as how u think the population of Buffalo is identical to the population of Erie County I don't think numbers are your (oops I meant "ur") strong suit.
You do realize that Owen Daniels has more yards and almost twice the touchdowns of any player on your team? And that he is not even our leading receiver? Of course you didn't. You aren't even aware of which franchises exist in which sport.
Buffalo "holds Schaub in check" as he passes for just 400 yards and 3 touchdowns. Jauron inexplicably leaves Jackson on the bench on a crucial 4th quarter drive. Lynch fumbles the ball after Cushing knocks his gold teeth out and he drops the ball to rescue them off the turf. Texans win 24-21.
steve walks away thinking the mighty bills shut houston down and are headed for the super bowl.
Ok you fuck head, the Bills did a good job on Brady opening night. Until they went into ultra conservative prevent mode at the end of the game with 5 minutes left, Brady was 28-40 266 yards. Also, any quarterback who has to throw 53 passes is going to throw for a lot of yards. Are you going to tell me that Byron Leftwich tore the Bills defense up week 2 when he was 26-50 for 296 yards? Come on man.
Seriously, do you have a job or do you just sit in front of a computer ridiculing people's grammar and trying to prove points people make on a pod cast wrong? You're pathetic man. Also, we are well aware that Houston's first win as a franchise wasn't against the Bills...but in case you haven't heard of sarcasm, that comment was made to illustrate how pathetic the Texans franchise has been since inception. Great number one pick in David Carr by the way.
Let me reiterate. The Texans have been in the league since 2002. They have forty wins not including this season. They are 40-72 (please check my math...I did this in my head really quick so if it is wrong and you want to point that out and write a post about, then fuck you). They have never had a winning season. They are 1-3 against the Bills and their one win came in a 12-10 "whooping." I also came up with that in my head, so I could be wrong and it could be more material for you to reply on how unknowledgeable we are.
I was well aware that Kubiak played quarterback by the way, and that he played for Denver and that he came in to relieve John Elway in the AFC Championship game in Buffalo. We knew who Kubiak was, and if not, who cares if we knew what position the Texans head coach played? What relevance does it have?
Good point about Houston having as many rings as Buffalo in much less time. How about NFL in houston since the merger? 0 AFC Championships. The Bills have 4. Go suck a dick you asshole. Hey remember 2002-2003? 35-3 lead in the third quarter. How did that turn out for you? Get a life Dan.
The Bills have one winning season this century (9-7), and their three wins this season came against teams with a combined record of 6-14. Yeah, you're right, Buffalo is really setting the standard for success in the NFL.
It wasn't specifically said genius, but it has been implied many times in this tread. The use of sarcasm generally allows for some artistic license. I utilized artistic license to point out the fact that the Bills are a team whose glory days are behind them. The team, and the city are in decline. Soon, it is likely that there will be no NFL team in Buffalo. It's not hard to envision that the team will move to a city that is actually thriving, instead of a city that has experienced population decline since the 1950's.
Buffalo is the armpit of the nation. Just a failed dinosaur of a city where their idea of culture is an Applebee's and a Sonic Drive-Thru. Get a real city Buffalo and while you are it try getting a real team. Your team is an embarassment.
Have you figured out there's a baseball team in Houston yet?
Or that it doesn't make a lot of sense to say "nyah you just got yours without Jordan," when you don't have any? What was Jordan playing football when you were in the Super Bowl? Is that why you didn't win any Championships? Apparently in Buffalo post merger appearances count as a title -- in most of America they don't.
Oh look, didn't mock your ignorance of grammar once. Just your ignorance of sports.
And holding Brady almost under wraps for three plus quarters until he wins the game is not the same as holding him in check. It's pretty much the opposite, also known as chocking in the clutch.
If it makes you feel better I'll revise my prediction:
Buffalo "holds" Schaub to 270 yards through three quarters. "Coast" forgets that they play four of them.
I will give Buffalo this -- they are not the crappiest city with a professional team. They are arguably not even the crappiest NFL city. Personally I'd put Jacksonville ahead of them since they have a beach and women in bikinis rather than 8 layers of clothing. But I won't quibble if you'se guys want 31st place.
Regardless, Buffalo is not as crappy as Oklahoma City -- another city that fakes being big league. So you got that going for you. Which is nice.
BTW 1992-93 was a different team and a different time. Take that smack to the Tennessee boards. Oh wait, they've got the Music City Miracle -- guess you can't. Oh well, at least you held the Titans in check for 59 minutes in that game. Good job.
Oh, I meant "choking" in the clutch. Buffalo chokes away games while their fans make excuses like blaming the refs and applauding the team's efforts for the first 45 minutes. Buffalo does not chock. Buffalo chokes.
Are you making fun of a city for being cold? Buffalo isn't even known for being cold. It is known for getting large amounts of snow at once because it is next to a great lake. However, being next to a lake actually moderates the temperature (cooler summers/warmer winters) compared to the surrounding areas. I am sure you knew that already though.
You like to compare statistics of Houston to Buffalo and say things like, "We also gave Mr Anonymous obsessed with dicks and cocks his centerfolds growing up: Patrick Swayze, Matthew McConaughey, and Ethan Hawke." While this statement is pretty embarrassing from your standpoint, it also reveals your inability to understand statistics (once again). The fact that Houston has 8 times as many people as Buffalo means there are going to be more hospitals, doctors, men you find attractive, etc. More people leads to more of everything.
The real issue here is which city has a better football team. Now, we can throw out the fact that the Bills have played more seasons than the Texans since clearly you aren't worried about sample size in your statistical analyses.
Let us compare: Bills: 2 Titles Texans: 0 Titles
Bills: 365 Wins Texans: 44 Wins
All-time leading passer - Bills: Jim Kelly (35,467 yards) Texans: David Carr (13,391 yards)
I could continue for a long time with these stats, but you probably wouldn't understand them anyway. In fact, I would not be surprised if you believed these numbers are favorable for the Texans based on your previous posts.
Believe it or not, the only real statistic we should be discussing on this blog has nothing to do with suicide, weather, or even teen pregnancy. The important statistic I speak of is the all time series between the two teams:
3-1 Bills. That is a .750 winning percentage. This means if the Bills played the Texans every game for a full season, one could expect the Bills would finish 12-4.
The funny thing is... there are very few fans that would have a hard time putting Bills fans to shame. Conversely, Houston Texans fans are pretty much at the bottom of that list considering there is no team in the AFC that the Bills have a better win percentage against.
It kind of smells a bit like living in the past, ala Cowboys fans, though. You know, what have you done for me lately? In the Bills case, not a whole lot. The Bills have exactly one more winning season in the time that both of these teams have been in the league (since 2002). You went 9-7 once, so barely one winning season, but I'll grant you that. I still have to say, the guys in the pod cast (are you one of them?) do seem to be in need of a bit more research before airtime. There's nothing wrong with a pod cast full of homers stroking each other off over their team, but it all seemed to lack a certain polish that would come with actually researching your opponent...
Example: In the pod cast, it is said that the Bills should win if Slaton is held to less than 150 yards. Sorry, but that is way, way wrong. If Steve Slaton puts up 140 yards on the Bills, the Texans will win this game by a blowout. The Texans are around #7 in points scored, and Slaton hasn't busted 100 yards once.
BILLS (+3.5) over Texans My underdog lock of the week: Bills 20, Texans 14. Testing out a new theory here: The Steve Walsh memorial "There's no way that QB has an arm to handle those conditions" game, not to be confused with the Sanchize patented "This guy was weaned on warm weather his whole life, he is reacting to the freezing cold about as well as the rugby team during the last 45 Minutes of 'Alive'" game. I like Matt Schaub but his arm can get a little noodly, no? I wish we could parlay a Buffalo TAINT (touchdown after interception) and a Buffalo special teams TD in this one.
we weren't prepared to talk about the texans because no one who usually listens to our podcast cares a flying fuck about the texans they barely exist so yes it wasn't our best work to date but we were mostly sarcastic, not stroking the bills, and i thought quite humorous..
Yea, I figured out you don't like Southerners (except for the ones on your football team) when you went on your racist ignorant tirade eight posts in. You seem to be missing about half the posts in this thread -- you know, the ones where you dumbasses started the regional insults and insulting others typing habits. I'm just adopting the standards you have already set.
Also, I'm not sure if you are aware, but NFL rosters change from season to season. When a team plays each other every four years, it's not exactly stellar statistics to say that this sample size indicates the trend will hold into oblivion. It's like saying the Saints will lose to the Rams because St Louis leads the all time series. You are sort of ignoring the teams on the field when you do that. Not that I blame you for ignoring your team. You can dog Matt Schaub all you want, but I bet he ends up with twice as many yards as Fitzy and equal or fewer INT's. Schaub has yet to commit more than one turnover in a game, or have a negative TD/TO ratio. He will get his. You clearly haven't watched a single play from the Texans if you think Schaub is a turnover machine.
And yes, more people leads to more of everything. That would be why Houston has more pro teams, more Championships (and no matter how much you squint your eyes and wish it is, a meaningless title from a defunct league is not a Championship. No one says that Louisville is a Pro Championship basketball town because the Kentucky Colonels won the ABA in 1974), a richer sports history, more college teams, more college graduates, a higher average income, a higher standard of living, well, pretty much better everything. Hence a city develops that people want to move to, rather than one people are fleeing as fast as they can drive. We have NASA. What's your shining example of the triumph of human knowledge?
And you may be wrong about no one here liking me. It seems like your blog has had many more hits since I graced you with my thoughts. There's even ads for grills on the page next to the shirtless men that you featured previously (oh, but I'm the gay one. Riiight).
Oh and didn't Simmons take the Fins last week? So he's going to be wrong twice in a row. No biggie.
Oh and sorry to burst your bubble but believe it or not a franchise's all time winning percentage is not the only real statistic we should be discussing on this blog. For Christ's sake, if winning percentage vs a team means you are better in 2009, I guess the Texans have a better tradition than the Bears (Houston leads the all time series 2-0), Dolphins (4-0 Texans), and Raiders (4-1 all time Texans). Under AJ math we are just as good as the 5 time Super Bowl Champion 49ers since we have a .500 all time record against them. Basically a team's all time winning percentage vs an opponent means absolutely nothing when evaluating an individual game. If you look at the Colts versus the Panthers and think to yourself, "Hmm. I know Indy is undefeated, but the Colts' all time worst career winning percentage is against Carolina. I'm putting all my money on DelHomme to beat Manning," you will lose. Badly. Every time.
Here's some other fun stats for ya:
All Time NFL Championships (otherwise known as Super Bowls):
Texans: 0 Bills: 0
Playoff appearances since the Texans joined the NFL:
Texans: 0 Bills: 0
Number of home games played in another country since the team has one foot out the door and is counting the days until they leave:
You'll notice, by the way, that I never suggested one of you sad pathetic residents of a town that was bigger in 1890 than it is today should kill yourselves. I am a kind and caring person. I don't want you to off yourself. I want you to be healthy and conscious as you watch your beloved team pack up and head across the border, the same way your job did. On Sundays I want you to be forced to watch the nearest regional teams -- giving you a choice of the Toronto Bills, New England Patriots, or New York Jets. Which one you gonna root for?
When one is (to use your own term) "throw(ing) out the fact that the Bills have played more seasons than the Texans since clearly you aren't worried about sample size in your statistical analyses," you don't get to use any of the statistics you used. Statistics like all time yardage, number of winning seasons, or all time wins are the direct result of a larger sample size. In order to remove for sample size, you either average (wins per season, for instance) or you do exactly what I did -- look only at the same sample size. Since the Texans joined the NFL, they have as proud of a winning tradition as Buffalo.
Statistics FAIL. It's cute watching you try, though. Keep on chugging little buddy -- you can climb that mountain!
Actually every one of those comments was directed at someone. Unsurprisingly, none of them had the nads to reply. I'm sure they'll be around this afternoon though. I'll be sure to pop by after the game and catch your brilliant postgame recap.
24-21 Texans. Schaub breaks 300 and doubles up Fitz. Simmons confuses half of the "sports commentators" here because the Bills cover the spread, giving Simmons the victory. Poor Coast and wreck are wondering how the Bills got an "L" when Simmons told them that Buffalo was a lock.
If you had a fucking clue you would have realized that my post was merely making fun of your inability to use statistics to make a valid argument.
Thank you for not even being able to understand that simple concept.
Yes, I know that you can't compare Jim Kelly to David Carr... and I know that the Bills have more seasons, so they will inherently have more wins; that is fucking obvious. This is the point I was making about all of your skewed statistics.
The fact that my post was intended to make fun of you and you didn't even realize it makes it apparent that you are more pathetic than I initially had thought.
Let me spell it out for you. You proved nothing with any of your statistics. All you did was make an idiot of yourself. While the people on this site might not know every important stat off the top of their head, we understand how they can accurately be used and compared.
I can't say I agree with any of the racist comments or stereotyping of southerners as stupid. With that said, I CAN say with confidence that you are not nearly as intelligent as you try to make yourself out to be.
Dan. B did you ever think about how pathetic you are? You honestly have way to much time on your hands. I think you should try getting away from your computer for a few minutes.
So what's the all time record now? That was certainly a more accurate gauge than oh, offensive and defensive rankings for the 2009 season. But yeah, you were being sarcastic rather than 1000% wrong.
Great game guys, you really shut Schaub down. Simmons really had that one down didn't he? To your credit you held Schaub under 300 and Slaton under 150. That really made a difference.
Actually I changed my mind. I'm not going to make fun of you guys anymore after all. It's like making fun of Special Ed Kids. I pity you too much. Your team is awful and won't last the decade. Anyway, sorry I quadrupled your blog hits. I'll let you get back to your 1 comment per post average. I'll be rooting for Y'ALL against the rest of the AFC Central.
Jim Kelly hasn't been around for over a decade. That hsan't stopped you from bringing his ancient ass up though.
Freaking awesome listening to Y'ALL talk about Houston being Texas' other team. Cuz the Bills are clearly not the other team in NY. They obviously are New York's favorite team. Except for the Jets. And the Giants. And arguably the Patriots. Interesting how the exact same flaws (that I pointed out already) that Buffalo has to a far larger magnitute (uneducated populace, second class status in its own state, horrible weather, a tradition of utter failure) are parroted by Y'ALL 10 posts later towards Houston. It's like you can't even think of your own insults and either call me gay or repeat what I already said about you.
If Schaub is Anderson, Fitzy is Brady Quinn. As in he doesn't even have one decent year to point to.
Best of luck to ya bills fans. Hopefully next week you can last for an entire game instead of forgetting to come back out at halftime.
Hey AJ, I'm not the one that thinks you have to be a college professor in order to spell properly. I never said I was a genius. The most that I've claimed is that one can type an accurate English sentence with an eighth grade education.
And to go back to statistics for just a minute, because you clearly don't understand them.
Statistics such as percentage of college graduates" or "average income" are designed to remove for a larger sample. That's why a city like Raleigh can have very high numbers despite a relatively small population. Buffalo's crushing poverty and inability to gain a college degree have nothing to do with the total population. They could have a population of 5 people and have better numbers than Houston.
And if you know that Jim Kelly and Carr aren't comparable, and specifically said in the prior sentence that you wouldn't use statistics that relied on a larger sample, then why did you use the larger sample size and compare them?
You guys are the definition of "dish it out but can't take it." You blather to empty air about how ignorant everyone outside of Buffalo is, but when someone shows up to argue the baseless innuendos you spread like manure you cry like a five year old that lost her lollipop. Big men.
If you don't want people insulting your town, don't insult theirs first. Treat others the way you expect to be treated. Didn't you lean this in Kindergarten? I treated you like idiots because you were acting like idiots.
Wow! As a Texans fan and someone who wholeheartedly believes these podcasters are somewhat lacking in the mental capacity dept., even I just dropped a few IQ points from reading the above comment.
I urge anyone that is a Texan fan wanting other fans to take us seriously to only post if you can speak intelligently. Maybe the podcasters will learn to actually do some homework in the future like the following:
Nice performance Sunday. Your team is embarassing and your coaching is pathetic. Well at least Buffalo isn't a smelly armpit of a city. oh wait, never mind.
I didn't 'lean' anything in Kindergarten Dan B. I learned many things though, such as 6 comes before 10 when counting up... something you forgot when doing your ultra-crazy statistical analysis that proved everyone here wrong.
To be honest with you, I didn't read all of your posts because for much of them you were only responding to yourself... so I just assumed all of your statistics were wrong based on the few comments I did read.
As for my use of ridiculous statistics, I already explained that. I am sorry if you weren't paying attention.
I never said anything about people outside of Buffalo being ignorant. There are ignorant people everywhere, I don't concern myself with them. What I do concern myself with is people that come onto a regional sports blog and try to tell people how to run their blog. Go back to your Texans messageboards and talk to your friends about the possibility of the Texans going 10-6 at best and losing in the first round of the playoffs.
I don't know why you continue to post on here. The Texans won... wahoo. They beat a team that has no offense, congrats. And just for the record. There are two periods in my fucking name dickface.
There's a shocker. You pass judgement and assume things without reading anything first. Kind of like your football "analysis."
You really have a hangup for typos when I make them don't you? Why not point out the dozens of posts that are nothing but typos that surround mine? You know, the people that think "You" is a one letter word.
Umm if you don't want people responding on a sports blog, don't have comments. If you want an echo chamber with nothing but cheering yes men, I'm sure there are blogs that can accommodate you. I'm on my Texans message board. You are welcome any time. We don't banish people and call them dick faces who should kill themselves out of some deluded sense of superiority. There were several intelligent and insightful Bills fans that I've had very nice conversations with. Granted, none of them waltzed in and called the host a redneck, but that is because the host didn't piss on them first.
Sadly for you, I can manage to keep up with multiple blogs at the same time, so I think I'll hang out a little longer. All I gotta do is keep reading my emails, your gems are sent directly to my cell phone, so I can quickly respond. And don't worry -- if the tiny buttons cause me to miss a letter I'll read your totally relevant criticisms of that while you skip over anything on topic and proudly proclaim you didn't read it (unlike the irrelevant stuff you think I''m bringing up). It's like you take pride in being ignorant.
By the way, not only is there no "dick" in my "fucking name," (what's a "fucking name" anyway. Is that different from a regular name? Does your boyfriend cry out A PERIOD J PERIOD while you are going down on him)? but there's no "face" either. But yeah, you're the mature one who spells names properly.
Watch out Anonymous. A period J period is gonna bring down the hammer on you missing the apostrophe in your "it's." (Actually, he'll probably focus on my response AGAIN rather than the idiocy I am replying to). The fine Public School System of the State of New York must be so proud of these comments.
And yes, I have a job. Do you have the ability to write a post without referencing fellatio?
But you are definitely proving how much classier Buffalo is. I honestly hope you are just a 10 year old kid fascinated with using dirty words and giggling while he whispers them out loud. It would be much more pathetic if you were actually an adult and thought this passed for debate.
"Does your boyfriend cry out A PERIOD J PERIOD while you are going down on him)?"
This is the maturity level that Dan B. speaks of. This was a prime example of the class that he possesses which no one from NY does.
And dang... great excuse for why you spell words wrong, had I known you had such small buttons to push I wouldn't have focused on your poor grammar and spelling! I just thought you weren't very intelligent. (You also spelled the word "judgment" wrong.)
Of course you would have. You can't very well focus on football in a football related post, since your analysis blew and your team stunk it up. And you can't focus on me saying mean things about Buffalonians (or whatever the term is) when it's the only thing anyone from there has had to offer themselves. So you focus on punctuation errors. Great call.
And when did I claim to be classy? Or even intelligent? All I said was that people from Buffalo are stupid. This thread hasn't exactly proven that wrong.
If it makes you feel any better I've actually come around and think that Nashville is a much worse city than Buffalo. So you aren't the hickest city fielding a team in your game this week. Congratulations.
"You Honor I have no idea why he called me an asshole. All I did was walk up and call his wife a whore, then start swinging for no reason. His reaction clearly shows he was the aggressor here."
I am a mirror "dick face." If you don't like being called gay, don't call people gay. You have yet to figure this out?
To break it down for those whose reading comprehension ain't so hot:
I am not saying I am classy. I am saying that when you run a cesspool of a site you will attract classless comments. If the rest of you wrote reasonable posts rather than meaningless gibberish obsessed with penises, you might get more reasonable responses.
Never mentioned burritos. I haven't brought up Houston's food in a week. I've been focusing on the 10,000 other ways that the Texans are superior -- starting with that football game on Sunday. Did you catch it? Even though your team stinks, you should get while the getting is good. There aren't going to be too many more games left unless you want to drive to Toronto like you do for everything else.
Hey have y'all (pardon me "U") managed to study the teams in MLB yet? Now that the World Series is over and your football team is playing for a draft pick you should have plenty of time to study it. Get back to me when you figure out the teams.
Why do you care what draft pick Toronto has? For that matter, I'm not surprised you want America to be attacked since you live across the street from Canada.
BTW it may interest you to know that upstate New York is more Republican than Houston is. Houston hasn't had a Republican mayor in decades. They just voted for a lesbian and former black activist to run off for mayor to replace the Democrat who is running for the Senate. The New York State Legislature was led by the GOP for decades until 2009 -- and they came from upstate New York. The NY GOP then took the Senate back temporarily when the Democrats voted the Republicans back into power in Albany. Know why New York elects Democrats nationally? That city you detest downstate.
Houston gave the world LBJ and Barbara Jordan. Atlanta graced us with MLK. What's Buffalo given us -- Mallard Fillmore?
Don't fuck with me when it comes to politics dumbass. I was a Poly Sci/History major. I know every retarded skeleton in New York's political closet.
Or maybe you went for the gold and got one from the University of Phoenix.
Hey, chipper up. At least you have that college powerhouse in UB (What is it with y'all and western mascots? You have so much pent up jealousy it's actually kind of funny). Oh wait, The Bulls are right back to sucking it up. Oh well y'all do have your proud sports tradition to rely on. Keep posting what you did in 1991 while you watch the moving vans pack.
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I leave a leavе a respοnse each timе I like a ρost on a site oг if I have something to valuable to contribute to thе conversation. Usually it's caused by the fire communicated in the article I browsed. And on this post "Houston Texans @ Buffalo Bills podcast". I was actually moved enough to drop a thought ;) I do have a couple of questions for you if it's allright. Could it be ϳuѕt me oг does it look like like a few οf thе comments come across as if they are coming frοm brain dеаd folks? :-P And, if you aге posting at additіonаl plaсes, I'd like to follow you. Could you make a list the complete urls of all your communal pages like your Facebook page, twitter feed, or linkedin profile?
It was indeed a professional work. I appreciate the work you have done. You got numerous positive points there. Thanks for a brilliant piece of writing..
wow love it
ReplyDeleteLMAO...y'all don't have a clue of what's about to happen Sunday. Houston wins by atleast 14 points (and frankly that's being generous) and Schaub has 3 passing TDs.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear y'all cry next week.
Wow! You guys no nothing about the opposition. Thank god I don't have to listen to you guys every Sunday. I feel sorry for all the real Bills fans.
ReplyDeleteSooooo, who is Slaten?
ReplyDeleteLol I haven't even listened to the podcast yet and look at these comments holy shit
ReplyDeletehahaha a houston texans message board picked up the podcast, i didn't realize they had enough fans to even have a message board here is the link
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteyea get a grip alexandra your shits weak 74000 strong this week baby chris draft!!!!
these ppl are retarded. i like the guy with "they don't do a bit of research for themselves", this guy must be a nfl beat reporter or maybe he travels with the team or maybe just a real asshole.
losers come from the south, thats why they lost the civil war.
ReplyDeleteo sorry "y'all" i meant "border". yeah being called dumb by a southern is hurtful. then i feel better when i realize you most likely have 2 teeth, a cousin for a wife, the education of 8 yr old(i give u credit tho you know how to use spell check), and a trailer for a home. nice life plus while we may have lost 4 super bowls your oilers/texans haven't been to any, in fact titans fans prolly ask you how their shit tastes.
ReplyDeleteisn't that more of a grammatical error than a spelling error? boarder is a word he just used the wrong word.. plus this is the internet spelling doesn't count for anything c'mon.
LOL at the Southern insults. I've been to Buffalo. It makes Dallas look like Eden. Even the Americans will tell you to go see the Canadian Niagra because it's prettier and less tacky. The biggest accomplishment in your dying city's history was tossing a chicken wing in hot sauce. Trust me when I say Texans put a little more thought than that into their dinner.
ReplyDeleteUpstate NY? Beautiful. Buffalo? A pit, filled with fat, uneducated, miserable people who resent their downstate neighbors for living in a city that people in other countries have heard of.
But hey, hold your head up. In five years when the Bills are in Toronto and you are left with one pro team, you can talk smack to Texans fans. "Nyah, nyah, expansion team!" Yea, is your team going to actually play all their home games at home this year? Or are they still forced to play home games in other countries?
haha dan b. your insults humor me. you must think i'm defending the city of buffalo. actually im aware of how crappy it is i could care less, it's still alot better then that trailer you call a home.
ReplyDeleteput more thought into your meals? hahah yeah you guys really reinvented the wheel with your dinners. don't you just throw shit on a grill?
does it bother you that a 6 yr old cousin speaks better english then you? I like how people in ny are uneducated, last time I checked all you had to do was spell your name to get a degree in the good old south. the south is theheartland of american stupidity.
and as far as the bills leaving buffalo it may or may not happen don't really care right now they are here. so until they do leave u got shit because your team actually left u and the rest of your pathetic fan base.
Yea and we got another one. You think the NFL is going to be drooling to give an expansion team to Buffalo?
ReplyDeleteYou might want to look into education in the South sometime.. I didn't say people in New York are uneducated. I said people in Buffalo are. The city of Buffalo has a lower percentage of college graduates than Houston. It's a working class town. Houston has the world's largest medical center, for instance. There are more doctors that work in the TMC (a sort of second downtown in Houston that is solely medical based) than there are people in Buffalo. Might want to actually look at the numbers before you pronounce Houstonians stupid. Distancewise we are farther away from "the South" (Mississippi/Alabama) than you are from Toronto, eh?
I like the foreshadowing in one of the previous posts laughing at Houston for knowing how it feels to lose an NFL franchise.
ReplyDeleteYour next jackass. You'll know how it feels very soon.
Then what will you do for a life?
Not to mention Rice University as far as education goes. Plus Houston is actually growing in size, unlike Buffalo. That's really not a comparison you want to make.
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as food, Texas actually has other cultures that contribute to their culinary makeup. IE all those immigrants that y'all were bashing upthread (Oh darn -- I used "y'all in an instance where I was speaking to more than one person -- you better blather about that rather than the point of my post). See Mexican cuisine has contributed and helped add to a wide diversity of flavors and styles in Texas, along with cooking techniques like Dutch ovens (chili ain't grilled genius), deep fryers, and yes, grills that were integrated from earlier German, Scot, Swedish, Italian, and French settlers. Think of it like those Italians in the city you are also pathetically jealous of that created Pizza and made it an American cuisine.
ReplyDeleteOh joy. An all caps post with repeated exclamation points. There's a coherent logical argument. Probably the same Rhodes Scholar calling Texans stupid earlier.
ReplyDeleteHere is a list of cities that apparently do not have fan bases even if they sell out every game, since they lost an NFL team at one point.
St. Louis
See, franchises move. And it's not because their fans suck, it's because the owner can make more money somewhere else. Maybe the city is growing (St. Louis to Phoenix, Oakland to LA). Maybe the owner is a douche and the first city doesn't want him (Houston, Cleveland, Baltimore). Maybe the city is dying and the team cannot survive there (remember the Bears used to be the Decatur Staleys and Canton once had an NFL team). Buffalo is joining Decatur and Canton. Welcome to the history books guys.
Hey, on the bright side you will get to see your city's name on a coach's head whenever the Toronto Bills play in their retro duds.
I guess I didn't realize Texas is the Mecca and Medina of the United states..
We still rank #1 in children without health insurance, #1 in air pollution, #1 in teen pregnancy, #1 in population without health insurance, and it just gets worse.
Thanks for George W. Bush as well, ruining the entire nation and perhaps the world
and who needs facts for an argument TMC "In 2006, the center employed over 75,000 people" Erie County has 1.3 million people
Wherever e.c.c is (I suspect it's actually E.C.C. and your keyboard's shift key is broken), they should have taught you that the first person pronoun "I" is always capitalized (just like words such as Canada, Mexico, or English should be). It is also the first letter of the sentence, and those are always capitalized as well. You should demand your money back for your diploma. They are worse than ITT Tech.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, Texans need to learn English.
steve, I didn't say Texas was perfect. I said it's better than Buffalo. My apologies btw for mistakenly claiming that the TMC has more doctors than Buffalo has people (btw Erie Country encompasses more than just the City of Buffalo. But I'm sure you knew that. You just left it out 'cuz it doesn't help your argument). I was including students and unpaid interns etc. The TMC sees more than half a million people a day.
ReplyDeleteYou also might want to direct a small percentage of your ire at the denizens of your state that are determined to disprove on this very blog allegations that Texans are dumber than Buffaloans.
I love the Bush smack too. Care to guess where he went to high school? Andover. College? Harvard and Yale. Wow, what a Texan. You are also aware that Texas has produced more than one President, including the one that signed the Civil Rights Act? But yeah, Texans are racist rednecks. Unlike the fine multiculturalists on this here blog that think "fuckin mexicans" are dick heads.
is dan b. a college professor? im so thankful for him using big words like transmogrification and telling me ab cooking food. do u ever think of killing urself??? you prolly should
ReplyDeleteJust so you know, you don't have to be a college professor to know basic English. You just have to have paid attention in 8th grade. It also helps when you are insulting others' ability to write properly to write correctly yourself.
ReplyDeleteIf there is one city in America that really doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to assassinating Presidents, it's Buffalo. You may want to take history along with English.
ReplyDeleteProfessor Dan B.... who won the civil war???
ReplyDeleteState Ranking on Suicide Rates
ReplyDeleteSuicides per 100,000 residents**
1. District of Columbia: 5.3
2. New York: 6
3. Massachusetts: 6.4
4. New Jersey: 6.8
5. Rhode Island: 7.5
6. Illinois: 8
7. Connecticut: 8.2
8. Maryland: 8.9
9. Hawaii: 8.9
10. Nebraska: 9.5
11. California: 9.6
12. New Hampshire: 9.8
13. Minnesota: 10.1
14. Texas: 10.6
I'm not seeing many Southern States among those that want to kill themselves. Maybe you should move to a state that doesn't squelch their citizen's will to live by taxing its' citizens out of existence to keep your teen pregnancy rate low. How's that State Income Tax workin' out for ya? Texas has barely felt the recent Depression. Our economy is humming along. How's Buffalo's?
Oooh 150 year old smack talk. Let's stay within the last decade, and we'll even stay in the realm of sports.
ReplyDeleteWho won the 2008 Stanley Cup?
Ooops. I meant 1998 Stanley Cup.
ReplyDeleteI am no doctor, but it appears to me that according to your suicide data, New York has 6 suicides per 100,000 residents whereas Texas has 10.6. It also appears that the trend is that states in the northeast have fewer suicides than southern states. How exactly does this help your argument? All you proved was our point that southerners are uneducated. They can't even interpret simple data.
Houston Texas is among the world leaders in commerce, finance, transportation, energy, medicine, education, the arts, space exploration and sports.
ReplyDeleteBuffalo is known for hot wings and being incredibly cold.
Houston Texas is, without a doubt, a world class city.
Buffalo is just Buffalo...
I get it. I really do. A person should be proud of their home town, and defend it against the disparaging remarks of others.
But come on... really.
You live in frozen freaking Buffalo and very soon, it's likely that you won't even have pro football to hang your hats on.
I'd be interested in seeing the suicide statistics for Buffalo after the Bills leave town.
Love the wings, though...
ReplyDeletethe texas houstons are gonna be texas toast, these guys do work for espn they are professional, and their forecasts and podcasts have made me over $25,000 in sports betting. Dan B aka D.B aka Douch Bag go post on a houstons or titans blog the Bills always have and always will be in Buffalo if not they'll do the Reich thing and comeback just like the in the greatest comeback in nfl history.
ReplyDeleteBuffalo Bills as a team name, and you have the temerity to laugh at other team's names?
That's a hoot.
What's a Bill? Your team is named after a frontier character who has absolutely no connection with your town, or region.
Not to mention the fact that there have never been bison in the area either.
"Yosemite Sams" would have been equally appropriate...
or inappropriate, as the case may be...
Their team is named for a Cowboy, yet they make fun of Texans. 'Bout par for the course in Buffalo I guess.
ReplyDeleteI really do feel for the fans in Buffalo. They are incredibly passionate (if a little illiterate at times), and their team ha a proud tradition of coming thiiiis close. But that isn't enough in today's NFL.
It sucks losing a team. I didn't want a thing to do with the Texans myself when we first got them. I swore off the NFL when they robbed Houston of its' team. I played fantasy but wouldn't follow one team again. Around three years ago I started to follow the team again.
Maybe Buffalo will hand whoever inherits the team from Ralph a sackload of money. Maybe they will hake the tax rate to fund a new field. I don't think that will do it myself. There aren't enough major companies in Buffalo. Not enough club level eats. Not enough eyeballs for TV ratings. But hey, at least you don't ride horses to work and you have all your teeth along with that great e.c.c education. Good luck with that.
Also, what city did Thurman Thomas and Aaron Schobel go to High School in? Would that be the same city that gave Jim Kelly his pro football debut?
ReplyDeleteSeems like you'se guys owe Houstonians a debt of gratitude.
PROS and CONS about houston
ReplyDeleteGood things
1. Food
2. Arts (if you want to fight the traffic)
3. Medical Center
what city doesn't have those 3...
Bad things
3. It seems like everything is built either in or near a flood plain
4. DRIVERS (not paying attention)
5. No zoning'
6. 50/50 chance that a driver actually has car insurance, OR that the vehicle is even registered in their name
7. The heat! It is like an oven
8. Tree roaches
Read more:
"what city doesn't have those 3..."
ReplyDeleteBuffalo. Comparing Houston's food to Buffalo's is like comparing Rome's history to Boise's. About the only similarity is that they both have it.
And yeah, heat and flooding sucks. So does 30 degree below weather and four feet of snow in the morning. I'll crank my A/C and bitch about the weather outside, tyvm. At least I don't have to get up a few hours early to warm up the car and shovel snow so I don't die of hypothermia.
Yeah the people down south just leave their kids in cars to cook to death guys, and cry when they do get flooded. Noone dies from snow. Where is this world famous Houston food bullshit coming from? Suggestion to Houston fans:
ReplyDelete1.load chamber
2.pull trigger
Hey Dan two questions hope this doesn't come off being rude.
ReplyDelete1. When you look in the mirror do you see a dickhead or asshole first?
The second is a bit more personal so I hope not to offend you but
2. How much did your sex change cost?
Hey Dan B... you never addressed Coast's post pointing out that your statistics (while completely irrelevant) are proving you wrong. You think 6 suicides per 100,000 people is better than 10.6? Interesting.
ReplyDeleteYou said, "I'm not seeing many Southern States among those that want to kill themselves." Which is not supported at all by your statistics.
Also, you went on to say, "Maybe you should move to a state that doesn't squelch their citizen's will to live by taxing its' citizens out of existence to keep your teen pregnancy rate low." Not only is this statement not supported by your stats, you also used two apostrophes incorrectly.
The first misuse was in "citizen's" unless you meant that each state has one citizen? The proper use would have put the apostrophe at the end of the word.
The second misuse was in the word "its'." If you look it up, you will find that "its" does not require an apostrophe since ownership is implied within the word itself.
I mean, grammar has nothing to do with football... but if you are going to make fun of people for grammar and throw out statistics that supposedly prove your points, you should at least make sure you use them all correctly.
Bills 24-17
Someone remind me again how we went from previewing the Texans/Bills game to discussing the Civil War? Dan B. do you know where you are right now?
ReplyDeleteLoved the Texans message board, check it out
A.J. here again....
ReplyDeleteIn reading the following statement over, I realized there are more mistakes than I thought:
"Maybe you should move to a state that doesn't squelch their citizen's will to live by taxing its' citizens out of existence to keep your teen pregnancy rate low."
You are all over the place with your nouns and pronouns.
A state is singular, therefore you should not be saying "their citizens'." It would be "its citizens." Then you continued on to use "your" instead of "the," which is also wrong.
It's hard to believe you were making fun of other people for grammar at any point when this one small paragraph is riddled with grammatical mistakes.
wow i actually like an AJ comment? the world is ending
ReplyDeletePerhaps you are unaware that punctuation and grammar are separate concepts. Allow me to inform you of this.
And considering the hosts of this blog aren't aware that the Houston Texans existed before 2003 (look it up football guys -- our first win wasn't when we whupped you, it was the first game in the history of the team when we beat Dallas. One day you'll know how that feels. Oh we also won two other games that same season), I'd watch accusing others of not knowing of what they speak. You may want to look up football stats before you act like you know something about it.
But yeah, you'se guys go back to telling others to kill themselves. Ridicule others for using "y'all" when you type such gems as "U GUYZ SUCK AND U SHULD KILL URSELF!!!!!!!!!!" or "u texans all like mexican dicks and buffalo new york is where all the educated americans that kno english live."
Just so you know, in general when you are forced to resort to all caps post suggesting suicide, it means you aren't doing to well on the merits. If e.c.c taught debate, you'd know that calling your opponent a cock doesn't indicate that your point is a winner. Perhaps in Buffalo that's how you argue points. I don't know. I didn't get my degree from e.c.c
You should thank Houston every day for providing the natural gas that keeps your sorry ass from freezing to death.
To your credit, you managed to spell "anonymous" correctly. Probably because you can't spell your own name and it pasted the word for you.
yea matt schaub sucks at qb...o wait who leads the league in tds and passing yds?? o thats right its matt schaub!! just a piss pour attempt at analyzing a football game....
ReplyDeleteI didn't start the grammar war by the way AJ. The first grammar cop was a Buffalo Bills (pardon me I meant "buffalo bills") fan. A few points (some of them are repeats, but you never addressed them, just like you are chittering about me ignoring points):
ReplyDeleteThe guy whose grammar you are defending has yet to manage a single post where he used proper English.
Buffalo is a relic of the early 19th century, wasting away in front of our eyes.
Canada's Niagra beats the crap out of Buffalo's.
Houston may not be Paris. But compared to Buffalo it's the biggest cultural hotspot and melting pot since Babylon.
Houston has won a professional sports league championship. Two actually. We also have two AFL Championships. Buffalo has zero. Your biggest accomplishment in a championship game was either missing a field goal or Don Beebe catching up to prolong a crushing ass whooping. Or perhaps you prefer hockey -- Dallas beating you like a drum, leading to pathetic whines about the crease. Sounds like you guys are frantically trying to catch up to Texans no matter which sport we are talking about.
Many cities have lost professional football teams. Some of them have gained a team back. Do you think Buffalo will fall in the first group or the latter?
Then there's these gems from your "analysis." You claimed Buffalo held Brady to a season low in yards when Brady had 378 of them. The only game that he had more was when he had 2 more yards in their 60 point rout of Tennessee.
You "think" Kubiak played QB. Ever heard of Google or
But surely the Texans will be flummoxed by the bedlam at the Ralph. A team that has lost one road game all season (barely losing to the defending NFC Champs) is going to be terrified into submission by the shirtless 350 pound guys freezing their tits off in the stands. We went into Green Bay and won last December. They aren't an expansion team anymore. But keep deluding yourself. Schaub sucks. AJ sucks. Daniels sucks. Keep telling yourself that. I won't complain. You should post a you tube of you watching them on Sunday though. The look on your face when AJ pulls another juggling one hander is gonna be priceless.
By the way, Texas has much much hotter women than any Buffalo has ever produced. This really isn't up for debate, whether you think I'm a dick head cock or not. In recent years we've graced you with Eva Longoria, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Beyonce, and Robin Wright Penn. We also gave you Farah Fawcett, Sharon Tate, and many, many others.
ReplyDeleteWe also gave Mr Anonymous obsessed with dicks and cocks his centerfolds growing up: Patrick Swayze, Matthew McConaughey, and Ethan Hawke.
ReplyDeleteHey AJ wanna do a spell check on that one? Or do you only critique when people put an apostrophe by the wrong consonant?
By the way, you forgot to call me stupid in your incredibly well reasoned and effective argument. You did however manage to obsess even more over my dick. What is it with you and other men's penises? Do you miss yours or something? Jesus you make a 13 year old Valley Girl's text messages look like Plato.
LMAO at you brown nosing TO. You really love Texas' sloppy seconds don't you?
Don't worry, maybe you will get a UFL team when the Bills leave the country. You could basically be a AAA team and try out players for major league towns like Houston. You could serve as a six month purgatory for talented players on their way to a real city, or a collection of has beens that failed out of the bigs. You know, just like your baseball team does.
I was referring to professional titles in leagues that matter -- you know, MLB (oops you don't have a team) the NBA (oops no team again) or the NFL (hey you have the same number of rings as the Texans despite a 45 year head start. Congratulations!) Hell I'll even give you hockey as a major league, despite it rivaling the WNBA for worst ratings by a pseudo major sport. Add all Buffalo's trophies together and you have one title for every inch in your pants.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Toronto will win one for the proud tradition of OJ Simpson and Terrell Owens.
Houston doesn't have a pro mlb team and their NBA team only won when Jordan was out of the league wtf are you talking about?? Oh and how about suicide rates? honestly you have zero credibility. That suicide rate think completely killed any credibility you have because you can't read your own stats and AND you couldn't understand the data.
ReplyDeleteBut yes you are immensely more intelligent than other people arguing on a sports blog.
I may not be a sports talk show host, but I am aware that the Houston Astros play in the National League. Were you? I mean, they were in the World Series 5 years ago. Surely you can remember that far back, right? I mean, you wouldn't want to talk about sports and not know the freaking teams would you?
ReplyDeleteYeah got the suicide rate wrong. You, the host of a sports blog, do not know which teams play professional sports. Nor can you actually tell whether 380 yards is being held in check or not. Are you really sure you want to talk credibility?
As far as not counting because Jordan wasn't there, they count a lot more than the goose egg your AAA town has produced thus far. The NBA has a Champion for two seasons from Houston. No sport has ever listed "Buffalo" as its champion at the end of the year.
LOL @ "not reading the data"
ReplyDeleteBrady throws for 378 Yards and 2 TD's, but you (sorry I forgot in buffalo it's spelled "u") somehow read the data as "we held him in check." Find some stats before u spout stupidity and we'll see if u can read them. Seeing as how u think the population of Buffalo is identical to the population of Erie County I don't think numbers are your (oops I meant "ur") strong suit.
You do realize that Owen Daniels has more yards and almost twice the touchdowns of any player on your team? And that he is not even our leading receiver? Of course you didn't. You aren't even aware of which franchises exist in which sport.
My prediction for Sunday?
ReplyDeleteBuffalo "holds Schaub in check" as he passes for just 400 yards and 3 touchdowns. Jauron inexplicably leaves Jackson on the bench on a crucial 4th quarter drive. Lynch fumbles the ball after Cushing knocks his gold teeth out and he drops the ball to rescue them off the turf. Texans win 24-21.
steve walks away thinking the mighty bills shut houston down and are headed for the super bowl.
Ok you fuck head, the Bills did a good job on Brady opening night. Until they went into ultra conservative prevent mode at the end of the game with 5 minutes left, Brady was 28-40 266 yards. Also, any quarterback who has to throw 53 passes is going to throw for a lot of yards. Are you going to tell me that Byron Leftwich tore the Bills defense up week 2 when he was 26-50 for 296 yards? Come on man.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, do you have a job or do you just sit in front of a computer ridiculing people's grammar and trying to prove points people make on a pod cast wrong? You're pathetic man. Also, we are well aware that Houston's first win as a franchise wasn't against the Bills...but in case you haven't heard of sarcasm, that comment was made to illustrate how pathetic the Texans franchise has been since inception. Great number one pick in David Carr by the way.
Let me reiterate. The Texans have been in the league since 2002. They have forty wins not including this season. They are 40-72 (please check my math...I did this in my head really quick so if it is wrong and you want to point that out and write a post about, then fuck you). They have never had a winning season. They are 1-3 against the Bills and their one win came in a 12-10 "whooping." I also came up with that in my head, so I could be wrong and it could be more material for you to reply on how unknowledgeable we are.
I was well aware that Kubiak played quarterback by the way, and that he played for Denver and that he came in to relieve John Elway in the AFC Championship game in Buffalo. We knew who Kubiak was, and if not, who cares if we knew what position the Texans head coach played? What relevance does it have?
Good point about Houston having as many rings as Buffalo in much less time. How about NFL in houston since the merger? 0 AFC Championships. The Bills have 4. Go suck a dick you asshole. Hey remember 2002-2003? 35-3 lead in the third quarter. How did that turn out for you? Get a life Dan.
Oh, wait...I meant 1992-1993...sorry Dan, but looks like you can't post about that mistake.
ReplyDeleteThe Bills have one winning season this century (9-7), and their three wins this season came against teams with a combined record of 6-14.
ReplyDeleteYeah, you're right, Buffalo is really setting the standard for success in the NFL.
At what point was it said the bills were setting the standard for success?
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't specifically said genius, but it has been implied many times in this tread.
ReplyDeleteThe use of sarcasm generally allows for some artistic license.
I utilized artistic license to point out the fact that the Bills are a team whose glory days are behind them.
The team, and the city are in decline.
Soon, it is likely that there will be no NFL team in Buffalo.
It's not hard to envision that the team will move to a city that is actually thriving, instead of a city that has experienced population decline since the 1950's.
Buffalo is the armpit of the nation. Just a failed dinosaur of a city where their idea of culture is an Applebee's and a Sonic Drive-Thru. Get a real city Buffalo and while you are it try getting a real team. Your team is an embarassment.
ReplyDeleteBuffalo Sucks
Have you figured out there's a baseball team in Houston yet?
ReplyDeleteOr that it doesn't make a lot of sense to say "nyah you just got yours without Jordan," when you don't have any? What was Jordan playing football when you were in the Super Bowl? Is that why you didn't win any Championships? Apparently in Buffalo post merger appearances count as a title -- in most of America they don't.
Oh look, didn't mock your ignorance of grammar once. Just your ignorance of sports.
And holding Brady almost under wraps for three plus quarters until he wins the game is not the same as holding him in check. It's pretty much the opposite, also known as chocking in the clutch.
If it makes you feel better I'll revise my prediction:
Buffalo "holds" Schaub to 270 yards through three quarters. "Coast" forgets that they play four of them.
I will give Buffalo this -- they are not the crappiest city with a professional team. They are arguably not even the crappiest NFL city. Personally I'd put Jacksonville ahead of them since they have a beach and women in bikinis rather than 8 layers of clothing. But I won't quibble if you'se guys want 31st place.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, Buffalo is not as crappy as Oklahoma City -- another city that fakes being big league. So you got that going for you. Which is nice.
BTW 1992-93 was a different team and a different time. Take that smack to the Tennessee boards. Oh wait, they've got the Music City Miracle -- guess you can't. Oh well, at least you held the Titans in check for 59 minutes in that game. Good job.
ReplyDeleteOh, I meant "choking" in the clutch. Buffalo chokes away games while their fans make excuses like blaming the refs and applauding the team's efforts for the first 45 minutes. Buffalo does not chock. Buffalo chokes.
ReplyDeleteA Sonic in Buffalo:
ReplyDelete"Sir, here's your chocolate shake"
"But I ordered a hot chocolate."
"Well, it's 30 below. You expect anything to be hot? Oh and here's your straw."
"Thanks. AAAHHH! Your finger just stuck to the straw and came off!"
"Frostbite's a bitch."
Dan B.,
ReplyDeleteAre you making fun of a city for being cold?
Buffalo isn't even known for being cold. It is known for getting large amounts of snow at once because it is next to a great lake. However, being next to a lake actually moderates the temperature (cooler summers/warmer winters) compared to the surrounding areas. I am sure you knew that already though.
You like to compare statistics of Houston to Buffalo and say things like, "We also gave Mr Anonymous obsessed with dicks and cocks his centerfolds growing up: Patrick Swayze, Matthew McConaughey, and Ethan Hawke."
While this statement is pretty embarrassing from your standpoint, it also reveals your inability to understand statistics (once again). The fact that Houston has 8 times as many people as Buffalo means there are going to be more hospitals, doctors, men you find attractive, etc. More people leads to more of everything.
The real issue here is which city has a better football team. Now, we can throw out the fact that the Bills have played more seasons than the Texans since clearly you aren't worried about sample size in your statistical analyses.
Let us compare:
Bills: 2 Titles
Texans: 0 Titles
Bills: 365 Wins
Texans: 44 Wins
All-time leading passer -
Bills: Jim Kelly (35,467 yards)
Texans: David Carr (13,391 yards)
Bills: 21 Winning Seasons
Texans: 0 Winning Seasons
I could continue for a long time with these stats, but you probably wouldn't understand them anyway. In fact, I would not be surprised if you believed these numbers are favorable for the Texans based on your previous posts.
Believe it or not, the only real statistic we should be discussing on this blog has nothing to do with suicide, weather, or even teen pregnancy. The important statistic I speak of is the all time series between the two teams:
3-1 Bills. That is a .750 winning percentage. This means if the Bills played the Texans every game for a full season, one could expect the Bills would finish 12-4.
The funny thing is... there are very few fans that would have a hard time putting Bills fans to shame. Conversely, Houston Texans fans are pretty much at the bottom of that list considering there is no team in the AFC that the Bills have a better win percentage against.
P.S. No one likes you here, go fuck yourself.
That's actually a half way decent post, A.J.
ReplyDeleteIt kind of smells a bit like living in the past, ala Cowboys fans, though. You know, what have you done for me lately? In the Bills case, not a whole lot.
The Bills have exactly one more winning season in the time that both of these teams have been in the league (since 2002).
You went 9-7 once, so barely one winning season, but I'll grant you that.
I still have to say, the guys in the pod cast (are you one of them?) do seem to be in need of a bit more research before airtime.
There's nothing wrong with a pod cast full of homers stroking each other off over their team, but it all seemed to lack a certain polish that would come with actually researching your opponent...
ReplyDeleteIn the pod cast, it is said that the Bills should win if Slaton is held to less than 150 yards.
Sorry, but that is way, way wrong.
If Steve Slaton puts up 140 yards on the Bills, the Texans will win this game by a blowout.
The Texans are around #7 in points scored, and Slaton hasn't busted 100 yards once.
BILLS (+3.5) over Texans
ReplyDeleteMy underdog lock of the week: Bills 20, Texans 14. Testing out a new theory here: The Steve Walsh memorial "There's no way that QB has an arm to handle those conditions" game, not to be confused with the Sanchize patented "This guy was weaned on warm weather his whole life, he is reacting to the freezing cold about as well as the rugby team during the last 45 Minutes of 'Alive'" game. I like Matt Schaub but his arm can get a little noodly, no? I wish we could parlay a Buffalo TAINT (touchdown after interception) and a Buffalo special teams TD in this one.
+Bill Simmons
we weren't prepared to talk about the texans because no one who usually listens to our podcast cares a flying fuck about the texans they barely exist so yes it wasn't our best work to date but we were mostly sarcastic, not stroking the bills, and i thought quite humorous..
Yea, I figured out you don't like Southerners (except for the ones on your football team) when you went on your racist ignorant tirade eight posts in. You seem to be missing about half the posts in this thread -- you know, the ones where you dumbasses started the regional insults and insulting others typing habits. I'm just adopting the standards you have already set.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm not sure if you are aware, but NFL rosters change from season to season. When a team plays each other every four years, it's not exactly stellar statistics to say that this sample size indicates the trend will hold into oblivion. It's like saying the Saints will lose to the Rams because St Louis leads the all time series. You are sort of ignoring the teams on the field when you do that. Not that I blame you for ignoring your team. You can dog Matt Schaub all you want, but I bet he ends up with twice as many yards as Fitzy and equal or fewer INT's. Schaub has yet to commit more than one turnover in a game, or have a negative TD/TO ratio. He will get his. You clearly haven't watched a single play from the Texans if you think Schaub is a turnover machine.
And yes, more people leads to more of everything. That would be why Houston has more pro teams, more Championships (and no matter how much you squint your eyes and wish it is, a meaningless title from a defunct league is not a Championship. No one says that Louisville is a Pro Championship basketball town because the Kentucky Colonels won the ABA in 1974), a richer sports history, more college teams, more college graduates, a higher average income, a higher standard of living, well, pretty much better everything. Hence a city develops that people want to move to, rather than one people are fleeing as fast as they can drive. We have NASA. What's your shining example of the triumph of human knowledge?
And you may be wrong about no one here liking me. It seems like your blog has had many more hits since I graced you with my thoughts. There's even ads for grills on the page next to the shirtless men that you featured previously (oh, but I'm the gay one. Riiight).
Oh and didn't Simmons take the Fins last week? So he's going to be wrong twice in a row. No biggie.
Oh and sorry to burst your bubble but believe it or not a franchise's all time winning percentage is not the only real statistic we should be discussing on this blog. For Christ's sake, if winning percentage vs a team means you are better in 2009, I guess the Texans have a better tradition than the Bears (Houston leads the all time series 2-0), Dolphins (4-0 Texans), and Raiders (4-1 all time Texans). Under AJ math we are just as good as the 5 time Super Bowl Champion 49ers since we have a .500 all time record against them. Basically a team's all time winning percentage vs an opponent means absolutely nothing when evaluating an individual game. If you look at the Colts versus the Panthers and think to yourself, "Hmm. I know Indy is undefeated, but the Colts' all time worst career winning percentage is against Carolina. I'm putting all my money on DelHomme to beat Manning," you will lose. Badly. Every time.
ReplyDeleteHere's some other fun stats for ya:
All Time NFL Championships (otherwise known as Super Bowls):
Texans: 0
Bills: 0
Playoff appearances since the Texans joined the NFL:
Texans: 0
Bills: 0
Number of home games played in another country since the team has one foot out the door and is counting the days until they leave:
Texans: 0
Bills: 2 (so far)
You'll notice, by the way, that I never suggested one of you sad pathetic residents of a town that was bigger in 1890 than it is today should kill yourselves. I am a kind and caring person. I don't want you to off yourself. I want you to be healthy and conscious as you watch your beloved team pack up and head across the border, the same way your job did. On Sundays I want you to be forced to watch the nearest regional teams -- giving you a choice of the Toronto Bills, New England Patriots, or New York Jets. Which one you gonna root for?
ReplyDeleteOh one last thing AJ:
ReplyDeleteWhen one is (to use your own term) "throw(ing) out the fact that the Bills have played more seasons than the Texans since clearly you aren't worried about sample size in your statistical analyses," you don't get to use any of the statistics you used. Statistics like all time yardage, number of winning seasons, or all time wins are the direct result of a larger sample size. In order to remove for sample size, you either average (wins per season, for instance) or you do exactly what I did -- look only at the same sample size. Since the Texans joined the NFL, they have as proud of a winning tradition as Buffalo.
Statistics FAIL. It's cute watching you try, though. Keep on chugging little buddy -- you can climb that mountain!
This has gotten so bad that Dan B. is actually posting and replying to himself.
ReplyDeleteBills 17-14 stamp it
Actually every one of those comments was directed at someone. Unsurprisingly, none of them had the nads to reply. I'm sure they'll be around this afternoon though. I'll be sure to pop by after the game and catch your brilliant postgame recap.
ReplyDelete24-21 Texans. Schaub breaks 300 and doubles up Fitz. Simmons confuses half of the "sports commentators" here because the Bills cover the spread, giving Simmons the victory. Poor Coast and wreck are wondering how the Bills got an "L" when Simmons told them that Buffalo was a lock.
Dan B.,
ReplyDeleteIf you had a fucking clue you would have realized that my post was merely making fun of your inability to use statistics to make a valid argument.
Thank you for not even being able to understand that simple concept.
Yes, I know that you can't compare Jim Kelly to David Carr... and I know that the Bills have more seasons, so they will inherently have more wins; that is fucking obvious. This is the point I was making about all of your skewed statistics.
The fact that my post was intended to make fun of you and you didn't even realize it makes it apparent that you are more pathetic than I initially had thought.
Let me spell it out for you. You proved nothing with any of your statistics. All you did was make an idiot of yourself. While the people on this site might not know every important stat off the top of their head, we understand how they can accurately be used and compared.
I can't say I agree with any of the racist comments or stereotyping of southerners as stupid. With that said, I CAN say with confidence that you are not nearly as intelligent as you try to make yourself out to be.
Also, thank you for referring to me as cute.
Dan. B did you ever think about how pathetic you are? You honestly have way to much time on your hands. I think you should try getting away from your computer for a few minutes.
ReplyDelete31 - 10 Texans
ReplyDeleteShows just how clueless the podcasters really are.
So what's the all time record now? That was certainly a more accurate gauge than oh, offensive and defensive rankings for the 2009 season. But yeah, you were being sarcastic rather than 1000% wrong.
ReplyDeleteGreat game guys, you really shut Schaub down. Simmons really had that one down didn't he? To your credit you held Schaub under 300 and Slaton under 150. That really made a difference.
Actually I changed my mind. I'm not going to make fun of you guys anymore after all. It's like making fun of Special Ed Kids. I pity you too much. Your team is awful and won't last the decade. Anyway, sorry I quadrupled your blog hits. I'll let you get back to your 1 comment per post average.
I'll be rooting for Y'ALL against the rest of the AFC Central.
AFC Central hasn't been around in seven years
ReplyDeleteJim Kelly hasn't been around for over a decade. That hsan't stopped you from bringing his ancient ass up though.
ReplyDeleteFreaking awesome listening to Y'ALL talk about Houston being Texas' other team. Cuz the Bills are clearly not the other team in NY. They obviously are New York's favorite team. Except for the Jets. And the Giants. And arguably the Patriots. Interesting how the exact same flaws (that I pointed out already) that Buffalo has to a far larger magnitute (uneducated populace, second class status in its own state, horrible weather, a tradition of utter failure) are parroted by Y'ALL 10 posts later towards Houston. It's like you can't even think of your own insults and either call me gay or repeat what I already said about you.
If Schaub is Anderson, Fitzy is Brady Quinn. As in he doesn't even have one decent year to point to.
Best of luck to ya bills fans. Hopefully next week you can last for an entire game instead of forgetting to come back out at halftime.
Hey AJ, I'm not the one that thinks you have to be a college professor in order to spell properly. I never said I was a genius. The most that I've claimed is that one can type an accurate English sentence with an eighth grade education.
ReplyDeleteAnd to go back to statistics for just a minute, because you clearly don't understand them.
Statistics such as percentage of college graduates" or "average income" are designed to remove for a larger sample. That's why a city like Raleigh can have very high numbers despite a relatively small population. Buffalo's crushing poverty and inability to gain a college degree have nothing to do with the total population. They could have a population of 5 people and have better numbers than Houston.
And if you know that Jim Kelly and Carr aren't comparable, and specifically said in the prior sentence that you wouldn't use statistics that relied on a larger sample, then why did you use the larger sample size and compare them?
You guys are the definition of "dish it out but can't take it." You blather to empty air about how ignorant everyone outside of Buffalo is, but when someone shows up to argue the baseless innuendos you spread like manure you cry like a five year old that lost her lollipop. Big men.
If you don't want people insulting your town, don't insult theirs first. Treat others the way you expect to be treated. Didn't you lean this in Kindergarten? I treated you like idiots because you were acting like idiots.
Wow! As a Texans fan and someone who wholeheartedly believes these podcasters are somewhat lacking in the mental capacity dept., even I just dropped a few IQ points from reading the above comment.
ReplyDeleteI urge anyone that is a Texan fan wanting other fans to take us seriously to only post if you can speak intelligently. Maybe the podcasters will learn to actually do some homework in the future like the following:
Nice performance Sunday. Your team is embarassing and your coaching is pathetic. Well at least Buffalo isn't a smelly armpit of a city. oh wait, never mind.
ReplyDeleteBuffalo Sucks
"Didn't you lean this in Kindergarten?"
ReplyDeleteI didn't 'lean' anything in Kindergarten Dan B. I learned many things though, such as 6 comes before 10 when counting up... something you forgot when doing your ultra-crazy statistical analysis that proved everyone here wrong.
To be honest with you, I didn't read all of your posts because for much of them you were only responding to yourself... so I just assumed all of your statistics were wrong based on the few comments I did read.
As for my use of ridiculous statistics, I already explained that. I am sorry if you weren't paying attention.
I never said anything about people outside of Buffalo being ignorant. There are ignorant people everywhere, I don't concern myself with them. What I do concern myself with is people that come onto a regional sports blog and try to tell people how to run their blog. Go back to your Texans messageboards and talk to your friends about the possibility of the Texans going 10-6 at best and losing in the first round of the playoffs.
I don't know why you continue to post on here. The Texans won... wahoo. They beat a team that has no offense, congrats. And just for the record. There are two periods in my fucking name dickface.
There's a shocker. You pass judgement and assume things without reading anything first. Kind of like your football "analysis."
ReplyDeleteYou really have a hangup for typos when I make them don't you? Why not point out the dozens of posts that are nothing but typos that surround mine? You know, the people that think "You" is a one letter word.
Umm if you don't want people responding on a sports blog, don't have comments. If you want an echo chamber with nothing but cheering yes men, I'm sure there are blogs that can accommodate you. I'm on my Texans message board. You are welcome any time. We don't banish people and call them dick faces who should kill themselves out of some deluded sense of superiority. There were several intelligent and insightful Bills fans that I've had very nice conversations with. Granted, none of them waltzed in and called the host a redneck, but that is because the host didn't piss on them first.
Sadly for you, I can manage to keep up with multiple blogs at the same time, so I think I'll hang out a little longer. All I gotta do is keep reading my emails, your gems are sent directly to my cell phone, so I can quickly respond. And don't worry -- if the tiny buttons cause me to miss a letter I'll read your totally relevant criticisms of that while you skip over anything on topic and proudly proclaim you didn't read it (unlike the irrelevant stuff you think I''m bringing up). It's like you take pride in being ignorant.
By the way, not only is there no "dick" in my "fucking name," (what's a "fucking name" anyway. Is that different from a regular name? Does your boyfriend cry out A PERIOD J PERIOD while you are going down on him)? but there's no "face" either. But yeah, you're the mature one who spells names properly.
ReplyDeleteWatch out Anonymous. A period J period is gonna bring down the hammer on you missing the apostrophe in your "it's." (Actually, he'll probably focus on my response AGAIN rather than the idiocy I am replying to). The fine Public School System of the State of New York must be so proud of these comments.
And yes, I have a job. Do you have the ability to write a post without referencing fellatio?
But you are definitely proving how much classier Buffalo is. I honestly hope you are just a 10 year old kid fascinated with using dirty words and giggling while he whispers them out loud. It would be much more pathetic if you were actually an adult and thought this passed for debate.
"Does your boyfriend cry out A PERIOD J PERIOD while you are going down on him)?"
ReplyDeleteThis is the maturity level that Dan B. speaks of. This was a prime example of the class that he possesses which no one from NY does.
And dang... great excuse for why you spell words wrong, had I known you had such small buttons to push I wouldn't have focused on your poor grammar and spelling! I just thought you weren't very intelligent. (You also spelled the word "judgment" wrong.)
Of course you would have. You can't very well focus on football in a football related post, since your analysis blew and your team stunk it up. And you can't focus on me saying mean things about Buffalonians (or whatever the term is) when it's the only thing anyone from there has had to offer themselves. So you focus on punctuation errors. Great call.
ReplyDeleteAnd when did I claim to be classy? Or even intelligent? All I said was that people from Buffalo are stupid. This thread hasn't exactly proven that wrong.
If it makes you feel any better I've actually come around and think that Nashville is a much worse city than Buffalo. So you aren't the hickest city fielding a team in your game this week. Congratulations.
I can just see this defense in court.
ReplyDelete"You Honor I have no idea why he called me an asshole. All I did was walk up and call his wife a whore, then start swinging for no reason. His reaction clearly shows he was the aggressor here."
I am a mirror "dick face." If you don't like being called gay, don't call people gay. You have yet to figure this out?
I never once called you gay... which you would have realized if you read my posts thoroughly.
ReplyDeleteAlso, you should have used 'Your Honor' instead of 'You Honor'
Hey, you managed a "Please." Maybe you are learning manners. Somehow I doubt it.
ReplyDeleteYeah A period J period, you only called me dick face. Maybe that's what moms call their kids in Buffalo, but down here we call that an insult.
To break it down for those whose reading comprehension ain't so hot:
ReplyDeleteI am not saying I am classy. I am saying that when you run a cesspool of a site you will attract classless comments. If the rest of you wrote reasonable posts rather than meaningless gibberish obsessed with penises, you might get more reasonable responses.
Never mentioned burritos. I haven't brought up Houston's food in a week. I've been focusing on the 10,000 other ways that the Texans are superior -- starting with that football game on Sunday. Did you catch it? Even though your team stinks, you should get while the getting is good. There aren't going to be too many more games left unless you want to drive to Toronto like you do for everything else.
ReplyDeleteHey have y'all (pardon me "U") managed to study the teams in MLB yet? Now that the World Series is over and your football team is playing for a draft pick you should have plenty of time to study it. Get back to me when you figure out the teams.
Why do you care what draft pick Toronto has? For that matter, I'm not surprised you want America to be attacked since you live across the street from Canada.
ReplyDeleteBTW it may interest you to know that upstate New York is more Republican than Houston is. Houston hasn't had a Republican mayor in decades. They just voted for a lesbian and former black activist to run off for mayor to replace the Democrat who is running for the Senate. The New York State Legislature was led by the GOP for decades until 2009 -- and they came from upstate New York. The NY GOP then took the Senate back temporarily when the Democrats voted the Republicans back into power in Albany. Know why New York elects Democrats nationally? That city you detest downstate.
Houston gave the world LBJ and Barbara Jordan. Atlanta graced us with MLK. What's Buffalo given us -- Mallard Fillmore?
Don't fuck with me when it comes to politics dumbass. I was a Poly Sci/History major. I know every retarded skeleton in New York's political closet.
C'Mon A.J. I left you a huge hanging curve there.
ReplyDeleteNice college major Dan B. I have a degree from elementary school in "Climbing Rope", something just as useless as yours.
ReplyDeleteWhat does e.c.c offer a Masters Program in?
ReplyDeleteOr maybe you went for the gold and got one from the University of Phoenix.
Hey, chipper up. At least you have that college powerhouse in UB (What is it with y'all and western mascots? You have so much pent up jealousy it's actually kind of funny). Oh wait, The Bulls are right back to sucking it up. Oh well y'all do have your proud sports tradition to rely on. Keep posting what you did in 1991 while you watch the moving vans pack.
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