Friday, May 8, 2009

Bills ticket sales ahead of last year

• So much for the notion that a sagging economy and unpopular coach would hurt the Bills at the gate. I’m told the team has already sold 50,000 season tickets and is ahead of last year’s pace, when it sold 56,011. That was the second-most season tickets in history, behind the 1992 season.

Apparently, disgust over the team’s second-half collapse and disdain for Dick Jauron didn’t drive many people away. The Terrell Owens signing certainly had a big impact at the box office. The generally positive reaction to the team’s draft couldn’t have hurt.

Russ Brandon has a lot to prove as a football man, but he knows how to sell his product. Signing Owens was a marketing master stroke, and that, and the draft should help on the field, too. Just think how many tickets they’d sell if the Bills actually made the playoffs!

Holy shit, people are either obsessed with the Buffalo Bills like we are or people really love Terrel Owens. I'm not shocked by this but am surprised. The coach is a god damn travesty, there is little chance the team makes the playoffs(gonna be 10 years) and the schedule isn't great. Fuck it. goooooooooooo Bills BUFFALO BILLS..

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